AMAZON HAMMER: The Beauty of the BDSM Journey

A novel about a young woman's journey to domination through the transformative power of kink and chosen families.

So happy to announce my big fat kink novel, Amazon Hammer, is finally ready in Kindle

One might call this new book a novel about love, redemption, and evolution through queer family values and BDSM.

To me, it was an emotional journey through the ups and downs of the life of a Femdom. From that feeling of not fitting in anywhere — and especially not at home — to finding a path to fulfillment through chosen family and the life lessons that BDSM brings.

What’s it about?

  • Power, and how a girl rose to become an internationally famous professional dominatrix.
  • How we grow through love and acceptance.
  • The power of self-agency for women through BDSM.
  • The affirmative transformations we make when we take the risk of living true to ourselves.
  • Heartbreak and ecstasy.
  • Hilarity and somber realities of being unconventional.

It’s all there. Most of all, it’s a fast and fun read! And it’s available on Amazon in Kindle so you can read it now –

You can read this book as erotica. Swelter during the hot kink scenes when Jax, the lead character, takes a NYC dungeon club by storm.

Fetishes! Bondage! Gear you’ve never heard of! And BDSM play galore that takes Jax from New York to Europe, Asia, and beyond to indulge the fetish fantasies of wealthy clients.

You can read this book as a great journey, as a young woman learns to stand up for herself through the transformative power of kink.

Read it as a tribute to chosen families. Bathe in the warmth of Jax’s relationship with her gay grandfather, Paul.

There’s also a fourth way to read this. It’s to look for all the life lessons in the plot lines. After all, you can learn a lot from a self-actualized kinkster.

Since a little foreplay never hurts (except when it’s good), here are four life lessons for you.

4 of Amazon Hammer’s Life Lessons

1. You can choose a happier life. Jax had a rough childhood. Her rich but unhappy parents projected their problems onto her. But she found an escape hatch when she tracked down her grandfather, who she thought was dead. Paul and his husband Steve offer her shelter. From the moment Jax moves in, she feels she’s found a true home. For the first time, she receives the parental love, acceptance and guidance she hungered for since she was little. Through their love, she finally gives herself permission to be her whole kinky self.

2. You can become your best self. Jax learns how to function as a non-conventional person and builds a new moral framework for her life.  She rejects shame at being a sex worker, learns to adore variety and diversity, and learns how to live fully in the moment by tapping into the inner kinkster she’d always been. Paul and Steve stabilize and heal her. Through their love and support, she develops a radical honesty about herself. Step by step, she evolves towards integrity, compassion, and facing life without fear.

3. Shame ruins happiness. The three most important romantic relationships in Jax’s life all crashed on shame-based issues.  Booker, the wealthy closeted gay man who wanted her to “turn him bi” to save face with his relatives. James, the insecure submissive movie star who slowly robbed her of the power he once gave her. And Carla, the successful executive who was terrified of getting outed by her ex-husband. Jax endures and persists through the painful journeys, to emerge tired but stronger than before.

4. Self-liberation is the door to empowerment. For Jax, the intense journey into the world of BDSM brings growth both as a skilled dominant and as a powerful human being. She embraces sex and fetish diversity with open arms. She rejects her early belief that she could never be happy because she was “weird.” She throws herself into the Lifestyle. This is where she finds the tools to reinvent herself, to define herself, and to achieve success on her own terms.

I wrote this book as a work of semi-autobiographical fiction. A fun way to pass the pandemic. But as I incorporated both my stories and the stories of friends of mine, I realized that this had become something more. It had become a way for me to pass on the lessons I’ve learned living the BDSM lifestyle.

I want you to benefit from it. Learn from what worked. Avoid what didn’t. See what takeaways you can get without having to live it and learn the hard way. And have fun reading it.

Go get it!

Available on Amazon in Kindle NOW

It’s $9.95 for the Kindle edition

Read DarkLady’s full review here

Book reviewers, contact me for a free review copy!

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*Print version coming soon!*

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