Welcome to the New Me!

Hello, my friends.   Guess what?  I’m breaking out and building up!

It drives a sexologist crazy that this world is still riddled by faith-based lies about sex. Every year, tens of millions of desperate adults fall for quack medicines, bogus treatments and magic penis-growing pills.  Just as many have bought into the fundamentally faith-based philosophy of sex addiction.  Sex and gender minority populations must constantly fight just for their rights to live the way they want to live and to love the way they want to love — and now those rights face all new opposition.

The current changes in the political environment have pushed me to rethink my own history of putting all my sexual knowledge into books and therapy sessions. It’s not that kind of a world anymore. Things feel more urgent now.  I can’t wait for people to read books and therapy isn’t an option for a lot of folks.  So, what if, instead of making people buy books to understand exactly why and how orgasms are so healthy for human well-being, I shared everything I know about sex on my website? What if I started talking to people directly through audios and guided them the way I’ve guided clients in my office? Could I use the power of the Internet to help EVERYONE to heal, learn and grow their potential for bliss?  Turns out I can!

Please join me in this new journey to spread the positive message that the truth about sex is a healing force in human life. The new gloriabrame.com is my re-commitment to educating adults,  using evidence-based models and my 30 years of academic and clinical research into everything sex.

[div class=”statement”] The new gloriabrame.com is going to be the new repository for my revolutionary work in human sexuality. [end-div]

Beginning at the beginning, I’m going to re-educate adults on the joyful potentials of sex and offer original dialogues on how to manage ethical, happy relationships.    On the blog, I will be offering ideas and techniques on sex, BDSM and relationships.  Fridays here, I’m reviving the ever-popular sex advice column.  As fewer and fewer publications now dare to offer candid, truth-based advice, I decided this would be a perfect time for me to stick it in everyone’s face. 🙂 Look for the sparkly new ASK GLORIA advice column this Friday and every Friday after that.

My first audio series “Master Sessions in Erotic Awakenings” begins with the basics of opening the doors to sexual ecstasy.  It’s a full re-education on the true power that lies within your own body and how to reconnect to the beautiful primality of your authentic sexual potentials.   I will building a large, tasty library of audios (the next series is already in process and will debut in about 2 weeks) and a hefty digital library filled with worksheets, exercises, and all kinds of FREE interactive tools for adults to enhance their receptivity and performance in bed.

I’m asking all my fans, followers and others who believe in my work to hop on board this journey with me.  Sign up for my newsletter.  It’s just a few weeks old now and things are still kind of sparse, but you know me — I will never retire. So let’s see just how big this can get!  This site is for ALL adults, period, rich or poor, sexually sophisticated or shyly virgin.  If you have a thirst for the truth about sex, you’ve come to the right place.  Bookmark it.  Tell your friends about it.  Help me grow this thing so we can change the world together.



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