Thanksgiving and Gratitude

In a year of tragedies and travesties across the global human landscape, of COVID deaths and the devastating personal loss of my husband, Will, this past summer, I remain grateful.  Grateful I had him for 31 years.  Grateful for the life we built and fun we had right up until the end.  So very grateful for my Jennifer and best besties and all the friends who've stood by me and held me in their hearts.  

I'm grateful today, despite all the pain Will's death has wrought.  It woke me roughly and shook my soul and pushed all my limits.  Everything changed overnight.   He was gone.  What would I do?

There is no solution to mortality.  There is only a palliative: living your best life while you are alive.  To get moving when you want to stay in bed.  To look forward and not live in the past.  

The future is waiting for us all to make it a better place than the past.  It begins with growing strong enough to face whatever challenges confront us.  It begins also by honoring the blessings you already have and staying hopeful that opportunites lie ahead.  

Keep the gratitude flowing and reap some from me:  I'm grateful that you've made time to read this, Thank you.  Have a splendiferous Thanksgiving. 

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