Everyone talks about the benefits of mindfulness. Therapists recommend it. Doctors encourage it.
But for all that, the term sounds like gibberish to many of us. And few of us understand how to incorporate it into our lives.
It’s good and well to say “mindfulness is important,” but the why and how are the toughest parts to tackle. So what is this “mindfulness” stuff all about?
Mindfulness Is a Natural Way of Life
The human brain hasn’t evolved as rapidly as technology. Until the mid-20th century, people often had time to sit still. Imagine that. Simply sitting still and being.
Our grandparents were not lured by Internet clickbait or subjected to 24-hour news cycles. Overwhelming information dumps didn’t rattle them daily. They were not constantly being manipulated by content created to stir strong emotions either. People back then had less technology, more leisure time, and far fewer distractions shouting for their attention.
According to Amra Beganovich, a lifestyle influencer, founder of Amra & Elma and Colorful Socks brand, her Bosnian grandparents had as little as 3 channels to choose from on TV. But this also meant that there was far more time available for other activities such as gardening, reading, or just simply hanging out with friends. Their slower pace of life meant that they were able to immerse themselves more into their hobbies while receiving a much needed break from the daily stressors (job, family, and other obligations).
So the over-stimulation of modern life is hell on our brains. While we can’t go back to those days, we can manage our inner lives better. And that’s what mindfulness is all about. It’s about building a place of peace within ourselves despite a wildly stressful world.
Benefits of Mindfulness
Mindfulness boosts inner calm. It lowers stress by drowning out the noise of the world. You learn to cultivate a positive outlook. Mindfulness also boosts emotional intelligence by simplifying your inner world so you can focus on the things that really matter, such as your mental and physical health.
That’s why experts recommend it so highly. The calmer your mind, the calmer your body, and the more internal resources you build to deal with the chaos of life.
So here are some ways to make mindfulness a daily habit.
Make A Mantra to Boost Positive Thinking
A mantra is a statement or quote you repeat to yourself. Originally used to enhance meditation in Eastern philosophies, in modern culture it’s an indispensable tool for cultivating a life-affirming outlook. When you create a positive mantra and repeat it day in and day out, it takes root in your mind as a guiding principle. Mantras retrain your brain to accept affirmative thinking as a norm.
You can make up your own mantra or use one of these suggestions:
“The past is over. Let it go.”
Whenever you’re stuck in a loop of negative thoughts, especially about yesterday’s problems, take a deep breath and repeat this mantra to yourself. It’s an internal reminder that the past can’t be altered, but the present and future can be better.
“I will do something positive today.”
Do you have FOMO: fear of missing out? Are you beating yourself up about things you didn’t get done? The here and now is a brand new opportunity to fix that.
Try doing something that feels purposeful. Don’t make it big, don’t resolve to fix your whole life. Just do one small positive thing every day, no matter how tiny, and pat yourself on the back.
“I will carve out time to relax”
What’s your number one favorite quiet activity? Reading? Listening to music? Playing with your pet? How about just sitting still and staring into space? Pick the one thing that automatically nourishes your spirit (but do it without spirits OR drugs!).
Imagine Positive Outcomes
To boost a mantra, add visuals! Imagine how your mantra could play out in real life. Being able to visualize positive rewards is the first step towards actually making positive change.
I’ll illustrate how to do it by using the mantras above as examples.
Letting Go of Old Stuff
The Mantra: “The past is over. Let it go.”
The Visualization: Imagine yourself packing a bag to throw in the trash. Like ragged old clothes you throw away, the old negativity doesn’t fit you anymore. Put old insults, old fears, negative teaching, and grudges into the bag. See yourself doing all that, then watch yourself throw away all the stress that needless things gave you.
Taking Control of Your Stress
The Mantra: “I will carve out time to relax”
The Visualization: imagine watching yourself engaged in a favorite activity. You can almost see the tension leaving your body as your neck and shoulders relax. Do you see yourself smiling, or sighing with pleasure? Yes!
Being able to visualize positive things happening is the first step towards making those good things happen for you.
Make Time for Self-Care
Stress can make you lose interest in things you used to enjoy and can cause life problems. Whether you’re stressed out by work or by your personal responsibilities, you know that the more stressed you are, the harder it is to give others what they need. You just don’t have the energy. So let’s turn that around.
One way to stay emotionally healthy is to know when to take a break and focus on your feelings. Overall, taking care of yourself can make a big difference in your mental health. Your brain recognizes that you care about yourself and rewards you. It decreases your stress levels and boosts your optimism.
Bottom line: A relaxed mind is a strong mind.
Normalize Mindfulness
It’s a good idea to find a mindfulness routine that you like and stick with it. With a little practice, it can become as normal as brushing your teeth every day. Whether it’s a mantra, a few minutes of positive daydreams, or taking a short break to BE, not DO, mindfulness is a meaningful part of your life. The key is to find something that makes you happy or helps you relax.
Lastly, this should be a healthy choice, so no drugs or alcohol to artificially boost your mood. Just 5-10 minutes a day of a relaxing or fun ritual can help you live a healthier, stronger, and more positive life.