You Don’t Have to Struggle Alone this Summer

It’s my favorite time of the year.   From June to September, my therapy schedule goes dormant as my regulars go on long vacations, get married (yes! shout out to M&K!)  and implement sex/relationship advice to the hedonistic max.

A couple of years ago, I decided to see if I could put that lull to some therapeutic use.  During holidays when mental health professionals traditionally close their doors, I opened my practice to strangers who needed immediate support.  I’m all too keenly aware that depression, anxiety, and personal conflicts don’t take vacations.  Sometimes, holidays and vacations create emotional crises.   I know the value of being able to reach out to a professional who will listen to you, who will understand the problems, who will help you when you need it most.  Whether it’s a late night crisis or a mid-day meltdown, a caring therapist can make all the difference.

Last summer, I had several deeply gratifying experiences helping adults in crisis find their footing again when their own doctors were away.   But the one that really stands out was both the most urgent situation and the most professionally rewarding one of 2017.   I asked if she would write a short testimonial about her experience so I could share it with you.

After 20+ years of dealing with mental illness, I had the worst, most deeply traumatic breakdown of my life, and had no access to medication or therapeutic resources. Although I was not her patient, in one emergency weekend Skype session, it is no exaggeration to say that Dr. Brame literally saved my life, both short- and long-term. She helped me move past immediate suicidal impulses inside an hour, and provided impetus for me to find other, local resources to manage the situation going forward. I am not completely recovered, nor do I ever expect to be, but I am alive and back to accomplishing things with my life, neither of which would be true without her involvement.  — MC


Please know that you aren’t alone this summer.  If you are in crisis, I’ll make time for you. Coaching, counseling, guidance, mentoring…and compassion for your story, your struggles, and your dreams.

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Payment is required but fees are negotiable if you are in dire need.

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