Squeeze My Tease

The Kindle sale on Champions of Pleasure will be ending tomorrow, January 9, 2019.  You have 24 hours left (give or take) to buy it for only 99 cents.  Please let your kinky friends know.  At this price, you could gift Kindles to your whole kinky crew.



You first meet Dane, the anti-heroic hero of the book, gripped in the terror of a vivid nightmare about his Mistress.  It signals the book’s theme of how happiness can crash into the harsh realities of life  — and how you just have to keep moving ahead and taking new risks to get the life you want.  This is Dane’s journey.

Here’s a first tease, from the book’s opening.  Author Tip:  Squeeze Dane’s torturous dream like a ripe, juicy orange and tease out every drop from the rinds until you are wet.


Ironically, this nightmare soon convinces Dane to take action and push his BDSM life forward.  He will breathe dragon-breath to bring his vision to life and take any risk.  Luckily, with a loving gay Daddy behind him to keep him safe, he will not walk that uncertain and difficult road alone.  Though it really feels that way sometimes.

I wanted to portray the overlapping communities of BDSM, poly, queers, lesbians, gays, and bisexuals in real and meaningful ways.  I wanted to show a typical BDSM guy as he is — a person you might work with or date or hook up with, a sweetie who still needs to learn a few important life lessons.   He is still coping with shame.  He is searching for a lasting erotic love but, like so many of us, doesn’t know what that could or should look like in the end.

You probably already know a Dane.  And, if you don’t, you’ll know him inside out by the end of this book when you follow him into the lush dark shadows of dungeon spaces.


Buy It Now




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