Kaizen Your Sex Life

What is “Kaizen”, you ask?

It’s a Japanese concept that means to get a little bit better each day.

How can you do that for your sex life?

Sign up for my newsletter!

People who sign up for my newsletter get a wealth of information for free. From personal thoughts to a list of my contributions to other platforms and much more, my bi-weekly newsletter gives you a safe, private space to read my observations about life, my plans for the website, links to an array of articles worth reading, and a preview of what’s up next on this blog.

And since my world is the world of sex therapy, it’s all about making your sex life better. A little bit better each day.

Kaizen for your sex life.

Enjoy these tiny excerpts from the latest newsletter…

This New Year Is Your Opportunity to Create New Joys

Whatever you’re feeling right now, stop and ask yourself:  what are the things in your life that you can control?

Could you be spending more time doing good things for yourself?

Could you cuddle a little more with your pets, kids, partners?

If you’re trapped inside, are there any things you’ve postponed doing?  What if you actually did them?!  

Life can be overwhelming.  Bad things happen.  Changes, oh those dreaded changes, strike faster than lightning.  Don’t succumb to hopeless thoughts…..

Links Worth Sharing

7 Questions That Will Change The Entire Trajectory Of Your Marriage, According To Psychology

4 Clear Indicators You Suffered From Childhood Emotional Neglect, According To Experts

…. and many more provocative links.

Blog Preview

Coming up next week, I’m going to tell you why sex matters.  Even as we face the possibility of unprecedented crack-downs on sex, I’m staying true to my mission.  With science, reason, and kindness on my side, I’ll explain why sex is a crucial experience for most adults…

My Week in Therapy

While others partied, I kept up with therapy.  Sometimes the holiday season is when people need a therapist most.  So I always plan my winter hiatus to fall before or after the normal holiday season.

There were a handful of emergencies and a bigger handful of regular clients struggling with — you guessed it! — stress!

They have family stress.  Overwhelmed by socializing stress.  Stress from the news.  Financial stress.  Seasonal tension also impacts relationships, leading to intimacy blocks and lack of sex stress, too…..

Sign up and stay sex-positive!



photo credit: Drew Beamer on Unsplash.com

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